Living next to a natural paradise!

Lynn Canyon: A Photographer's Narrative

Straight into the Heart of North Vancouver

Venturing into Lynn Canyon, the experience begins with a straightforward walk through North Vancouver. The absence of efficient public transport here turns out to be a hidden blessing, compelling us to engage directly with the landscape.

Digital photographs. Nikon Z6

Suburban Scenery

The suburban views here are strikingly different from the dense urbanity of Seoul where I live. The wooden houses and the sprawling nature offer a fresh perspective for my lens, with each frame capturing a bit of the North American essence I often see in films.

A Hasselblad's Perspective

Armed with my Hasselblad 503cx and a roll of Ektar 100 film, I aim to freeze (slowly) moments of natural splendor. Ektar's reputation for fine grain and color saturation promises to do justice to the vibrant scenes of Lynn Canyon. It’s also a way for me to get as much details as I can since I use 100 ISO, but I will have to use my tripod quite often especially in the forest because of the lack of light.

The Vibrancy of Nature

The canyon itself is an artist’s palette, with various shades of green painting a picture of tranquility. The moss, the ferns, and the towering trees – they all come together to form a verdant tapestry that is quintessentially Pacific Northwest.
All this in a magnificent forest I missed by living in South-Korea. The size of everything is impressive and makes look around more than in my viewfinder.

The Craft of Film

Shooting with film is an exercise in precision and foresight, especially when planning for long exposures. It requires an understanding of light and shadow, a challenge I eagerly accept to capture the canyon's ethereal beauty.

Which I still need to work on since my photographs are not exposed properly enough for me. A long way of experiences to get!

Looking Forward

This visit to Lynn Canyon is just a prelude to further explorations, a perfect place to practice and prepare for the more expansive sceneries that await. It's a reminder of the ever-present opportunity to frame the world in new and intriguing ways.

Digital photographs. Nikon Z6

In reworking the narrative, I've focused on a more straightforward recounting of your experience in Lynn Canyon, emphasizing the practical aspects of the journey and the technical considerations of film photography. The intent is to provide a realistic and relatable account of your photographic process.


How to take pictures on a Ferry.


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